Life has gotten crazy busy lately, to the point where I can't remember the day of the week. It first started with Miss Diva's birthday party, then we were off the following week.
We had to move our shed because the only flat surface in our backyard is where the old shed is sitting.Well, we bought a new shed instead and had to put it together and build a platform. Now her swing set is going where the old shed was and the old shed is going in the back near the gate to put little misses outside toys in.
Then my mom arrived safely from Newfoundland, which I am very thankful for.
Then Jason's brother, sister-in law and nephew arrived from Winnipeg.
Now, I am trying to get back in the groove of working....which I am hating right now. I'd rather hang out with little miss and play all day and go for walks in the neighbourhood. I've never really had a hard time going back to work, but since little miss arrived home, it's the last thing I want to be doing.
Mom taking little miss to the store...this is the first time someone has taken her without jason or I there. She didn't cry or anything.
This is what she got at the store with my mom, she is spoiled silly and she knows she is too.
Last, we are potty training and she is doing wonderful. I see a diaper free kid soon and I am happy but a little sad at the same time. My baby girl is growing up way to fast.