Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween preparations

As a child growing up, I loved halloween. My fondest memory is about me and my friend Rhonda dressing up a Jem and the Halograms(I think I mispelled this). I loved the treats but I remember the smell of the candies and other stuff together in my bag.....ummm candy. I love this season.

 Miss diva is painting a sign for the door. Did I ever mention how much she loves doing crafts and reading stories. Well, she loves doing both and I love doing them with her.

                                                finished product! Dosen't it look awesome
 painting ornaments for the halloween tree that we have on the shelf in the playroom downstairs
                                                    a ghost ornament for the tree
                                  making a wiggling fuzzy spider for another decoration
                                                            the body is all painted
                                                  adding the fuzzy legs to the body
      her finished spider...she was laughing holding it because she was saying it was tickling her arms

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