Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day!!!

Valentine's day is a day I wished would always be on a weekend. Jason and I don't have the energy or the time to do anything during the week. We gave miss diva her valentines and we are going to  celebrate on Saturday.(I'll post about it then.)

 Miss Diva was surprised to see this stuff on the table. She asked" mama, what's this stuff?" So we chatted valentine's day and it's meaning.
                                Her with her loot, she got another Thomas video.....
 She really loves to play dress up but really didn't have much to dress up with. She has a ton of shoes but not really any clothes, so we decided we would get her a dress. She was thrilled. She wanted to take it downstairs right away!
                                              sassy little you mama's little girl!
                                                             showing of her shoes......
This is the card her and all her daycare friends made for their parents. She made it for baba, considering mama was making it with her. I love it and baba wants to frame it. I think it's a keeper too.

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