Saturday, March 30, 2013

Butterfly Conservatory

Jason had taken thrusday off, I told him he should take the princess and do something, just the 2 of them. So,he thought they would go see the butterflies. Well, Jason asked me if I rememeber the screech for fear, the sweating, and trembling that happened on the plane from Hohhot to Beijing. I remember that oh so vividly. She was scared! He said that what she was doing, he said he tried 4 times and then left. Here is 1 of the 2 photos that he was able to get.
Miss Diva has transitioned into our family so easily that we sometimes forget that there are little triggers that sets her off. Insecurities or fears that may or may not be apart of the trama or changes that has happened in her little life.

First coming home, she was terrified of any creature that moved. She wasn't the biggest fan of dogs or cats. Birds that flew over her or squirrels that ran on the ground. Lack of exposure. Has she ever seen a squirrel before? I doubt it! Does China even have squirrels? I can't recall seeing them!

I don't think she was exposure to much while in China. I remember the third day we had her, it was nice and sunny outside. We decided to go for a walk. She was afraid of even the trees that moved with the wind. She just stared at it for quite sometime.

I think this is a area that we will need to be sensitive towards but at the same time, trying to exposure her to as many things as possible.

Needless to say, I heard all about the flying butterflies and how she didn't like them.

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