Sunday, February 10, 2013

CNY with friends

We were very excited to pack up the princess and head to Newmarket. We were going to finally see Jan,Paul, Maelyn and Ailee. We left a little early because I wanted to stop in Vaughan Mills mall @ the Disney Store.
Chinese treats
                                                                    more Chinese treat....dried fruit
                Miss Maelyn enjoying a Chinese candy, they tasted like a big orange jube jube..
 Ailee was having a nap when we arrived. Soon after, she woke and came downstairs. She was unsure about all of us but soon warmed up and was of doing her thing!
 Miss Diva brought lollipops for the girls with their valentine's day cards. Maelyn was eating hers and this is Ailee asking for hers too. (I love the way she twist her hand when asking for something. She is so cute)
                                                       Miss Ailee with her lollipop
                    Miss Diva opening her valentine's day bag from Jan, Paul and the kids.
                                          A puzzle they gave her....I love this picture of her
 We didn't get to exchange Christmas gifts during the holidays with them because they just arrived home and they have alot of illness and family with illnesses as well. So, we finally were able to exchange presents.
                        me and Ailee. She warmed up to me very quickly but was a little unsure about Jason.
                        She would give him a wave or a high five.
                        The 3 big girls eating their dinner together. They did a very good job!

                                                                   ~ Our friends~

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