Tuesday, June 5, 2012

First dance class ALONE!!!!!

jason and I have been discussing on how to start "leaving" her without us. Knowing that she loves dancing and as already done 2 terms of dance classes with this instuctor, we decided to enroll her in a dance class tuesday nights with this same instructor but solo. As you can tell, she had no problems, with the door open. Shortly after I took these pictures, the instructor had another child close the door. I thought maybe then she would cry but nope she was brave and went on with her dance class.

Look at the moves on this little girl, she was totally into it. Gotta love her to pieces!!! After the class was over, I went to talk with the instructor to see if she needed the toto and stuff....yes for the fall. Also, she had mention how advanced her gross motor is. Also, that her attention span and concentration is amazing for her age. She thinks she is a darling to watch and is going to be one of their dancers in the future.. I'm a proud momma.

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