Thursday, December 20, 2012

Annual check - up @ McMaster

Well, I have to admit, going to these appointments with Yan Yan always gets my mind racing about the "what if's". I think I drive myself a little crazy because I haven't been sleeping well this past week.

Anyway, I took the day of work, and Jason worked a half day. We both like to try and attend all appointments together, we both like hearing the issues and the non issues together. Also, it's time together as a family, which we love!

Around 12:30 pm, we loaded the princess in the car and made our way to Hamilton. We stopped at Carter's and Golf Town for a few minutes because we were early arriving in Hamilton. I bought some shirts and pretties for miss diva for christmas. Then, we made our way to Chedoke. When we arrived, we checked in and went to the fourth floor. Miss diva was busy playing with the Thomas train and I was drawing letters and numbers on the board to see if she recongized them. She knows a lot of the ABC's and recongizes all of her numbers up to 10. Good job baby girl. Then we were called in to the Developmental Pediatrician- Karen Harmen.

Miss diva was busy playing with toys, chatting to all of us and having a good time. She did a few things with her, asked if we had any concerns and weighed her and measured her. She as gained 3 pounds in a year and grown almost a foot. This girl as been busy growing. She said her head size was a little small but she said it's probley because she has a flat head at the back. Also, she is not to worried because she is exeeding her development age range. This made my heart beam with relief and pride. I was a happy momma.

Then we had to downstairs to see the Audiologist- Carol Pavey. She is a older lady and Miss diva was okay with her until she told her she had a student teacher that was going to help. Miss diva screamed for a few minutes. Carol put some ear phones on and Miss diva had to put the pegs in the board when she heard the sounds. She did excellent! Carol was happy. She looked in her ears and the left ear had no tube.(we knew this) The right still had the tube but it was dislodged and that's what is creating discomfort for her. They are making a ENT appointment for ASAP to have them remove it because......SHE DOSEN"T NEED  TUBES!!!!THANK GOD! They are healed and doing everything like normal ears. Another reason to be thankful and a happy mama.

Then , we were sent back to the fourth floor to see the speech pathologists- Christina Mellies. This is were I get a little nervous. Again Miss diva did very well but missing some sounds. She said that she as a under bite, which is creating some sounds to sound a little different. She can't get sounds that end in "ch" "sh" and she needs to work on trying to get them to the front of her palate instead of the back. If this dosen't happen within six months, she may need a palate lengthening. This made my heart a little sad but if she needs it, she needs it. We will be going back in the summer to assess her speech again. I hope she gets they sounds or we will be in surgery again.

Overall, she is doing wonderful. She is a very brave girl and has been thru so much in her little life, I just hate having to put her thru more. No matter what, she is our world and we love her to pieces.

                                                     sitting on the floor eating a candy!

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