Friday, March 30, 2012


Recently I have thinking a lot about China, it's children and the welfare of the children left behind waiting for forever families. My heart was shattered they day I walked through Miss Diva's orphanage and saw the need. We walked into a room where there were babies on the floor, I walked over to one and  just looked down at him. I saw the hunger for touch and attention and the desparate look in his eye. I will never forget that child as long as I live.

I went to the back of the room and looked out the window and saw  new shiny red, blue and yellow play equipment and thought to myself, "it looks brand new." I wonder if my little girl ever played on that. There was no smudge marks or dirt,  the swings looked like the wind was the only thing that has ever made them move. I wonder....

Just today we were playing outside and Miss Diva never likes to come inside..I wonder if she ever got to play outside in China? I wonder if she ever got to sit on a bike? I wonder if she ever had the wind blow in her face? I wonder if she ever had sand run through her fingers....I wonder alot....does she have siblings, what was her favorite thing to do there? I can't stop wondering...I wonder about her foster parents.... I need to find them...and I will..if it takes me years I will find them.

she is doing so wonderful....she loves to play dress-up. she gets to  play outside and ride bike and slide down slides. Here is evidences

1 comment:

Jan said...

Totally, totally get it. 100%!!!