Thursday, October 24, 2013


It's been a while since I wrote a post. I'm still not sure what to write but I will try. The last few months has been a whirl wind of events and before I knew it, Miss diva has been in JK for 8 weeks.

Before school started, Jason's granddad had passed away. This has been a very hard time for the princess, me and Jason. She continues to say good night grandpa in heaven and telling him that she misses him and would like to share smarties with him just one more time. This really breaks my heart!

Jason and I are struggling with family members making accusations that are not true. We know the truth and God knows the truth but it has created a feeling that Jason remembers to much as a child growing up. These people don't realize the hurt they are causing and to honest, may not care. Nice family! Anyway, we try to continue on with life and be happy, and I am loving every minute I get to spend with my little family.

Last, tomorrow, we are heading back to McMaster for a altrasound on miss diva's palate to see if it's working correctly. If not, they will then schedule a time for the next surgery. The surgery that will lengthen the palate. I am so worried about this, to the point where I am almost physically ill. For those following, please say a pray for the right solution and if it's another surgery that it works and she recovers smoothly.

thank you, EM

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