Sunday, June 1, 2014

Butterfly Conservatory

Us westerners sometimes take for  granted the beauty we see every day. The grass, the birds and the beauty of butterflies. I am guilty of this! Bringing miss diva home has made me realize how fortunate we are to have a beautiful country and the freedom and ability to come and go as we please.

I think miss diva may have gotten outside only a handful of times while living in China. 2 of those were for medical appointments. So indulging in the wonderful outside world was foreign to her. I remember while in Hohhot, the third day there, was nice and sunny. We decided to go for a walk in the area of the hotel. Miss Diva saw the trees moving , stared at it and cried. My heart was so heavy for all the children in institutions all across the country.

So, after 3 years of being home and four attempts to get her to go see the butterflies, she finally went in. We were so proud of her. She was so brave.

 Miss Diva and I going into the conservatory, she held my leg most of the time, but did it!
                                                              so beautiful!

 You could watch new butterflies hatching and the process of the caterpillars life there. She thought it was cool that they hung, what seemed upside down to her.
 They had a "touch table" where there was a dead butterfly, she was very brave and picked it up. We are so proud of this brave little girl.

She keeps reminding us of the little things that we sometimes take for granted and to take things slow. She is our world!

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